Welcome to Holland Lop Rabbit Specialty Club
The Hallmark Breed

Note from the President:
Cindi Hinton
As always feel free to reach out to your zone Directors or Board with any questions or concerns!
February 2025
🐇 Our next Hollander deadline is Saturday February 15th
All HLRSC Members are invited to share tips, thoughts, suggestions, and advice on:
-What do you love about your current rabbitry setup that you think others would benefit from knowing?
-What would you change about the structure of your building if you could start from scratch?
-How is your rabbitry organized? Are the rabbits arranged in a manner that helps you when showing and/or breeding?
-What kind of cages do you use? Would you change this or do you prefer this setup?
-What is one feature in your barn you don’t think you could live without and why?
-If you were approached by a breeder building an entirely new barn, what would you suggest to them to keep in mind while they were initially designing?
-Who has a barn you love and why do you love it
🐇 Convention 2025 update - our banquet committee has been working hard in securing a banquet location and gathering details - how does the Indianapolis Zoo sound? We were there in 2017 and loved it! They are working on ways to get the ticket price down for you so be watching for fundraising ideas coming up in the near future
🐇Our National show will be here soon! Keep watch for announcements from the host club, Hallmark Holland Lop Country Club. Their FB group is the best place to get updates