Welcome to Holland Lop Rabbit Specialty Club
The Hallmark Breed
Note from the President:
Cindi Hinton
As always feel free to reach out to your zone Directors or Board with any questions or concerns!
September 2024
Wow convention is coming up fast! The convention portal is now open so I figure everyone is having the same struggle picking their entries - it’s always a toss up on who finishes or holds their coat between entering and time to load up for the trip - Remember entries close Monday September 30th!
🐇 New directors - we’ve already announced our new VP but incase you missed it, Jenny Poprawski will be our new VP - Congratulations again!
In addition to Jenny we will be welcoming 3 new members to our board of directors
Zone 2 Desiree Guadagnolo (Dworzecki)
Zone 4 Austin Nash
Zone 6 Rachael Close
I am looking forward to this next year, exploring new ideas and hearing what our new officers have to offer - all new directors will take over at the close of convention.
A very special thank you to Allen, Chris, Ashlynn and Stacy for your service. Your time on our board is very much appreciated and we will miss each of you very much.
🐇 Live Auction - Have a nice holland to donate to our HL auction? Diane Walter and Chrissy Royer head up our auction each year and they would love to post donated rabbits before convention gets here. Contact Diane or Chrissy with any questions and watch the “HLRSC Auction” page for updates.
The following are options of donation:
~ 100% HLRSC
~ 50% HLRSC Awards Fund / 50% Youth Scholarship
~ 50% HLRSC Awards Fund / 50% Seller
🐇 Trio update - we have our breeders set for the trio donation - HUGE thank you to Cody Taylor, Landon Hertz and Dyan Murphy. You will be able to buy “Trio Donation” tickets on our website or mail a check. Pictures and more info coming soon!
🐇 Shirt fundraiser update - first order is being made this week. If you made an order you will receive an invoice that will need to be paid when your order is ready to ship - this has enabled us the keep shipping to exact cost. There is still time to order - you can order on our website. Contact Becky Marlow with any questions.
🐇 Banquet Update - You will order tickets on our website or mail a check so watch our FB page and check website. Once we get it up on website, deadline to order will be October 13th. Don’t forget to be looking for a donation to our banquet auction.
🐇 Booth update - Our HLRSC convention booth committee is planning to have raffle items available in our booth this year. They are still requesting an item representing the state you are from to be donated. Reach out to Melinda Harshfield with any questions. If you do not know how to reach Melinda feel free to message me for her contact info.
If anyone has reached out to Melinda and did not get a response please reach out again, this week we found a message that she did not get notification for.
100% of money raised here will go to our Youth Scholarship fund.
🐇 2026 Nationals has been awarded to Cascadia Regional Holland Lop Club and the Nor Cal Holland Lop Club - 2026 Nationals will be held at the Clark County Event Center in Ridgefield, Washington!