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Basic Rules for Success

Emily Meagher

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HLRSC Guidebook -7th Edition

The number one rule is to get over any sort of color bias against having torts. Torts equal show type period. Get to love the color, because if you want to raise show type competitive Holland Lops, you will have torts
as your main color. It’s like telling a Florida White breeder that you would like a black Florida White. They don’t exist!

Rule number two goes along with number one. Don’t pick your Holland stock to get certain colors. Recognize rule number one again. Pick your stock on type and parts. Think, "I am looking for a brood doe with bone and mass," instead of, "I am looking for non tort does." Many show breeders have side color projects, but they are just that, projects for themselves. They don’t mass produce “crappy-typed" rare colors to sell because they are actually trying to better the type on colors. I also tell breeders that I have a waiting list for myself, for my own color projects. Believe me, everyone knows when you are working on a certain color, it's usually the peanut, fuzzy, or pet in the litter. Of course, this is a overall general statement
because there are great typed non-torts in the breed - but they usually come from color projects from show-type breeders who usually have a long waiting lists for stock.

Rule number three is to grow your promising Hollands out, and if you don’t have enough space or won’t cull to make space, you are in the wrong breed. Too many sales posts contain young junior Hollands for sale that
are under four months old. Let them get the milk off their whiskers. They need time to get past their adolescent, gangly stage. Learn to cull out pet type, and rabbits with severe structural faults.

Rule number four is to know what good structure and type is, and try to set goals to work with what you have to produce better type. Severe faults in type will always come back in generations down the line. Always be thinking about where you want to go. Hollands are a breed that is a work in progress, so be able to adapt.

Rule number five - Recognize that a lot of successful breeders have worked a long time to get where they are. Recognize that prices will reflect their time and results in their breeding and stock. Be aware of what a great typed Holland looks and feels like, because sometimes even breeders who are winning, might not sell winning stock. Be careful that you don’t get a bad start with what you purchase. Be patient to find what works for you.

Rule Number Six - Find a mentor that will help guide you. I say guide because you can't expect them do all the work for you. Most mentors will recognize when they find a new breeder with a passion and drive for the
breed. Make friends and share the love of these “puppy dog” bunnies. Try to educate yourself with hands on knowledge and asking appropriate questions to learn type and structure. Pay attention to judging, specially with known Holland judges.

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